Can I self-refer?

No, you need to be referred by a SLaM clinician / GP.


Do I have to use the Recovery Space?

No, any referral would need your consent & agreement.


Can I bring someone with me?

You can bring someone with you if you are happy for them to sit in your session with you, as we may not always have room availability for them to sit outside.


I’m worried about COVID. Do I have to attend the Recovery Space in person?

No, we offer telephone support as well as face-to-face.


Can I come during the day?

We offer appointments from 10am, but these appointments are booked in advance.


How long can I access the Recovery Space?

You will be offered six individual sessions. During this time, you have full access to our group sessions, and can continue to access our groups for eight weeks following your last one-to-one session.


Can I just drop in?

Appointments are booked in advance. If you are in crisis, you can drop-in to the Croydon Health and Wellbeing Space from 10am-1pm.

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