Are you living in Croydon, 16 years or above and looking after someone with a mental health problem? If so, you are a carer.
Carers can be relatives, partners, friends or neighbours.
As a carer, you may not be aware of what help there is available to you. The Carers’ Support Service can provide you with:
- Information on services available
- Support to access help you need
- An advocacy service
- Emotional support
- Access to events and workshops
- Opportunities to get involved in the planning and development of services for carers.
- Support to understand and navigate the systems
in Croydon - Guidance and advice for form filling
- Connection with specialised Mental Health Welfare Benefits Support and Advice Team
- Carer support groups available
We hold two weekly Drop-In Sessions:
Last Thursday of month
Held at: Croydon Health and Wellbeing Space, 2nd Floor Whitgift Centre, near Holland and Barrett
Last Monday of each month, 10.30am-12.30pm
Held at: Carers Support Centre, 24 George street, CR0-1PB
Please phone Carers Support on 020 8688 1210 (option 3) or email for more information.

Volunteer for us
Mind in Croydon welcomes volunteers/trainees to help it undertake its work.

Information Line
Mind in Croydon operate a confidential mental health telephone information line: Please telephone our freephone number 020 8668 2210 or WhatsApp 07938 716 711
Find out more
Side By Side
Side by Side is a supportive online mental health community where you can be yourself. We all know what it's like to struggle sometimes, but now there's a safe place to listen, share and be heard.
Find out more