Field to Fork

Field to Fork is a rolling programme which runs over six weeks on a Wednesday, 10am – 2pm. Next start date will be November. 

Participants will learn a range of basic cooking skills with an emphasis on healthy meals as well as food growing techniques such as seed sowing, propagating and plant care.  Sessions are informal and friendly and will always have a gardening / cooking element to it. They will also include a healthy lunch.

Completion of the course will lead to an entry level accredited certificate of achievement and is aimed at progressing people into work, volunteering and further education.

The course is free but due to the nature of the funding you must be over 16yrs, a resident of Croydon borough and unemployed to be eligible to take part.

Please share and signpost anyone you think may be interested.

To book a place please email:

Posted on: 2nd November 2021

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