Mindline Trans+ Crowdfunder

Mindline Trans+ is a joint service delivered by Mind in Bristol and Mind in Somerset.

Trans and non-binary people are particularly vulnerable to developing mental health problems due to societal stigma and a lack of access to focused services. 

This is a vital service for people in society who are at a greater risk of hate crime and of experiencing mental health problems. A transgender mental health study showed that 88% of transgender people had experienced depression and 84% had thought of ending their life. 

They need your help to extend their UK Wide service from 2 to 3 nights a week. This will help them to reach people in hard to reach areas. Part of the funding will help the training and support of call handlers by staff. Another expense they anticipate this funding will cover is the publicity of the service in rural areas and the coordination this will involve.

To support their crowdfunding campaign please visit https://www.avivacommunityfund.co.uk/mindline-trans.

Posted on: 26th August 2020

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