World Mental Health Day – Mental Health For All


The World Health Organisation recognises World Mental Health Day on 10 October every year. This year’s theme set by the World Federation for Mental Health is ‘mental health for all’.

One of our carers sent in the following poem which we would like to share with you.

The Corona-virus has taken its prominence

People indoors, for safety measures as the
whole world is stunned by it’s tenacity.

Helping so honourably are the NHS staff,
nurses & doctors, putting their heads on the block.

This virus which is taking people by the
dozen, does not prejudice no one.

I will spare a universal thought and pray that
this surgence will turn around.

So that all those people of great immensity and skill
will take this epidemic with cures and
remedies so that this will counteract a 
very indecisive period.

The world in its operation as been through
many dilemmas, disasters and plagues, diseases

But as we all unite, in this severe deterrent.

We’ll spare our thoughts for the dangers
proposed and lives of innocents taken.

I pray a prayer. That this world of ours will
not sink but arise and become the world
that survived near disaster 

Posted on: 10th October 2020

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