You Can Still Help By Raising Funds For Us

If you’re looking for something to do whilst you’re isolating in these difficult times, perhaps you might want to organise a fundraising event for Mind in Croydon using social media, video links etc etc.

Despite the COVID 19 restrictions we are still supporting many, many vulnerable people, either by telephone, text or social media. We are also making sure that some of our most vulnerable clients are receiving their medication and we are shopping for food and other essential supplies for our clients too.

COVID 19 restrictions mean that we will probably lose at least £15,000 a month of funding due to our charity shops being closed, rental income being reduced and donations being down.

Any help you can give would be very gratefully received.

You can make your donations via any of the means shown on our website here.

National Mind has listed a few suggestions for ideas you could use here just be sure to direct funds to Mind in Croydon if it is us you wish to fundraise for. 

You can also raise money for us while shopping online if you visit retailers through Easy Fundraising. Simply visit this link, support our cause, create an account and visit your retailers through the website each time you want to shop online.  We will then receive donations from the retailers for free.


Thank you

Posted on: 9th April 2020

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